Home Remedies to reduce belly fat
Honey & Lemon Mix a tablespoon of honey and fresh lemon juice with one medium glass of hot water. This is best done first thing after waking up in the morning. Honey helps in dissolving the fat while vitamin c in lemon juice helps in flushing out the fat in the body. Hot water in an empty stomach: Drinking around 1 litre of lukewarm water first thing in the morning even before answering natures call helps to cleanse the body thoroughly of the toxic wastes, tones the metabolic system and thus helps in fat loss Raw Tomatoes: Raw tomatoes are rich in fibre, water and phytonutrients like lycopene. Fibre is good for dissolving the fat in the body while lycopene is an excellent antioxidant which reduces the oxidative stress in the body Ginger, Honey and Pepper: Make a tea by boiling ginger in water. Add honey and pepper to it. Ginger and pepper are thermogenic they increase the metabolic rate while honey helps in dissolving the fat Mint leaves, H...